Training JAVAEEMVC - Java Spring MVC - First Consistent Web Application in Vienna

On the course, you will gain practical knowledge of how to start and develop an application in Spring MVC. An introduction to Hibernate is assumed within the scope of the JAVAEEHIB course. The result of the training will be one functional demonstrative project, which we will gradually model together from the beginning during the training. We will explain the theory on it. Since you will get practical introductory know-how of Java Spring MVC in this course, last but not least, you will save dozens of hours of self-study, when you should devote yourself to the introduction to this technology. ...
Welcome to the course

Spring MVC is suitable for programming Java EE web applications. In combination with Hibernate and Bootstrap, it is possible to create robust web applications that are easily extensible, that are so modular that they can be easily programmed by several programmers in parallel.

Who is this course for?

The course is essential if

Course curriculum

How to make a helloworld app in eclipse under maven in Eclipse?

  • how to create the First Spring MVC app
  • how to create a simple project in Spring MVC that will run under the Java EE application server
  • how to add Bootstrap and jQuery to Spring MVC using Eclipse?

How to add Hibernate to Spring MVC Project?

  • how to model a part of a database under Hibernate?
  • when to create a Session Factory and when to disturb it?
  • when to Create a Session?
  • when is it necessary to create transitions?

How to create a simple Spring MVC controller?

  • how to write a simple service that will handle the controller
  • how to link it all to the model?

How to create a simple Spring MVC view?

  • how to write JSP scripts in JSTL to work with a controller?
  • the point is to separate the model from the front end of the application
  • how to program spring mvc to process a simple form?
  • how to put it all together?


DatePrice without VATSubscribe to the term
6th Jun2025
1 Day
1367 €Get these skills
30th Sep2025
1 Day
1367 €Get these skills
12th Jan2026
1 Day
1367 €Get these skills
3rd Jan2027
1 Day
1367 €Get these skills

own term
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